My quad

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My Quad
I ride a 98' Blaster with 190 'Doulgas rim's on 20/12.5/9 Blackwaters, ,UNI air filter,DG grab bar ,cargo racks ,dry box ,wiesco piston, and a carzy driver..

Future mod's FMF raing pipes,spyder sprokets,Bandit front tire's and 190 Doulas rim's,Homemade skid plate.

My mudbogging story
This is the back of my 4-wheeler before i went riding at Buddy's house where i messed up my rack's and got stuck. I broke my rack's going down a hill and they fell off because of my DG grab bar broke in half. So now i have no rack's or dry box because i aint went and got a 30 dollar grab bar to put back on my rack's, so some pic.s might not have the rack's and other's do..